Have Your Brick Surfaces Seen Better Days?

Arrange for brick restoration services in the Indianapolis, IN area

Brick features give your property a timeless, classic look, but this appeal can disappear as your features start to deteriorate. Luckily, top-notch brick restoration services are within reach! Indy Ignited has the skills and experience needed to restore all of the exterior brick surfaces on your property in Indianapolis, IN or a surrounding area.

We’ll address any concerns you have with your deteriorating brick surfaces, so you won’t have to worry about a thing! It’s time to give your weather-damaged chimney or leaky brick wall another chance - contact us today to set up brick restoration services.

A large brick chimney on the side of a brick house.

Don’t let your chimney fall into disrepair

Chimney issues can lead to severe safety hazards, so you shouldn’t let issues go undetected. Instead, reach out to us for chimney inspection services if:

Your chimney is leaking and you can’t figure out how to stop it

Your chimney is showing signs of deterioration

You’ve noticed strong soot or smoke smells in your home when a fire is going

If we find anything during our inspection that needs to be repaired, we’ll fix it right away so you don’t have to worry about chimney issues anymore. Learn more about our chimney inspection services by calling us at 317-446-2069 now.

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